Black Ball Projects
Benefit Fundraiser

curated by the Board of Directors
Black Ball Projects
Donating Artists
Diana Al-Hadid, assume vivid astro focus, Michael Bauer, Sean Bluechel, Camel Collective, Beth Campbell, Danilo Correale, Damien Davis, Pia Dehne, Jen DeNike, Danielle de Picciotto , Francesca DiMattio, ET- Tamar Halpern & Eileen Quinlan, Fred Fehlau, Kate Gilmore, Ignacio González-Lang, Lucia Hierro, Gregor Hildebrandt, Sheree Hovsepian, Rosy Keyser, Laleh Khorramian, Kalup Linzy, Nicola López, Josephine Meckseper, Marilyn Minter, Laura Mosquera, Rachel Owens, John Riepenhoff , Walter Robinson, Hanneline Rogeberg, Mika Rottenberg, Sam Samore, Katy Schimert, Shoplifter (Hrafnhildur Arnardottir), Kiki Smith, Meredyth Sparks, Alison Elizabeth Taylor, Fred Tomaselli, Elif Uras, CM von Hausswolff, Shoshanna Weinberger, Summer Wheat, Wendy White, Robert Williams
February 2 - March 10, 2019
Press Release
12x12-2019 Black Ball Projects Benefit Fundraiser is the gallery’s 4th iteration of the initial 12x12 exhibition, staged in December of 2015. The gallery is physically gridded into squares to house artworks. This year’s grid dimensions are 30” x 30” with works shown in a single grid square, they may be smaller, but not larger.