What we emanate
Julieta Gil
Ilana Harris-Babou
Paloma Izquierdo
Abigail Lucien
Katelyn Ong
Redeem Pettaway
June 13 - August 4, 2019
curated by Nathalie Encarnación & Eileen Isagon Skyers
Press Release:
(We pour over
breathe out
We flow into
We assimilate
breathe in
The result is
terribly noisy
very sweaty
"How does it look to other eyes when our intervention with personal ancestry is sculpted, cropped, drawn upon? From the vast and barely tangible collection of human happenings, what forces emanate through individualized flesh, and how? Each artist explores a similar fatalism, finding a rolling body in their own sight of time.
Once brought to a gallery’s ever-evolving blank stage, memory performs through the character of material and the hands that have remapped its intimacies. While ancestral memories build upon a new material life there is a fear in what is lost and found through rediscovery. What similarities exist between the acts of being held up for all to see and being held close at night. Traces of cultural dialectics collide to reveal a sonorous anatomy that fractures systems of assimilation with each individual’s line of fissure. "
-Shireen Ahmed
The artworks in this exhibition are culled from each artist's intimate experience of challenging systems of assimilation through material.
The closed interior opens up to create a vibrant, loud autonomy—one that not only critiques the contemporary artistic discourse, but sculpts and makes possible an abbreviated intervention.
This compendium of materials quietly discloses the potential to reconstruct a radical individuation.
What We Emanate- 360 view
Grab screen and move around the gallery