2022 black ball projects micro-grant: PAINTING
This is our second year running the micro-grant program. The genre for 2022 is: "Painting in the Expanded Field". Our criteria is determined by three factors: having a mature art practice, being an under-exposed artist and being in financial need. Currently the program is by nomination only, see our wonderful list of nominators. There is one recipient and seven additional finalists. The recipient receives a $2000 award, as well as a viewing room and an artist's talk on Black Ball Project's digital platform. Each of the additional finalists receives a $250 stipend for the labor they put into the application process. The program is funded entirely by your generous donations. If you would like to support the micro-grant program please DONATE NOW ❤️⚫️
2022 micro-granT RECIPIENT
Mashell Black
2022 black ball projects micro-grant ADDITIONAL finalists
Click on an artist’s image below to view more information.